New place totally has no fridge. I'm not complaining. The place is beautiful and I'm grateful to the guy letting me crash there. Just saying, we're still on fast food for a little bit.
We drove around a bit and found this place El Mexicano in Mount Pleasant.
Had a Shredded Beef Burrito. It was pretty good. Best horchata I've had in a while, and I've had a lot lately.
Even though the burrito was so good, I still feel miserable over the nutrition, or lack thereof, the thing must have had, and the cost. Eating out this much is taking a toll on more than just my arteries.
I had such high hopes a few days into this thing of trying to not only finish the challenge, but to total blow it away by making it healthy, economically sound, and even tasty! That last part would have been the easiest.
I still believe that it's pretty simple to make a cheap, healthy burrito diet if you're picky with ingredients and wise about beverages, but the circumstances surrounding my move just haven't allowed me to explore that as I would have liked.
So this thing has got to come to an end at some point. I'm going to scan and email some verification to Yishan tonight. I'm going to keep going until Day 24, get two solid years of Gold, and go have some sushi (japanese burrito? Does that still count?).
Even after this is done, though, I think burritos will still form a decent chunk of my diet.
Maybe just not ones like I had today...