Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ghost Pepper Challenge: Level 3 - Anaheim Pepper + Sriracha Sauce (1000-2000 SHU)

Today I had an Anaheim Pepper. These peppers are rated between 1,000 and 2,000 SHU. The pepper by itself was pretty disappointing. However, I knew this pepper had a pretty wide range of heat. As I mention in the video, I've seen numbers for it as low as 500 SHU, and I just wasn't interested in another pepper so boring.

So I picked up a bottle of Sriracha sauce (~2000 SHU in US), cut a section of pepper off the bottom to form a sort of cup, filled it with the sauce, and downed it.

It took a second, but this was the first time during this challenge that I felt any real heat. The Bell Pepper, of course, is rated at 0 for a reason, and the Peperoncini was really more sour than it was spicy, though it did have a little kick to it.

Honestly, the Anaheim pepper, by itself, wasn't even as hot as the Peperoncini. It did have a little heat after a few seconds, but it was almost imperceptible.

Sriracha saved me...

(Hysterical laughter is due to off-screen shenanigans...)

So there was a little heat there, but still no challenge. No sweat, nothing serious.

However, I did feel a little. I look forward to the next few days. 

I'm still waiting to be challenged...

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